GMMOS Changes Name to Stanford Marine Group

GMMOS Group, a Dubai-based service provider to oil and gas companies, changed its name to Stanford Marine Group to reflect its focus on offshore supply vessels.

The company has two divisions, Stanford Marine, which charters vessels, and Grandweld, which builds and repairs ships, it said in an e-mailed statement today. Stanford Marine will be adding four vessels to its fleet between now and the end of the year, while Grandweld recently secured three shipbuilding contracts that increased its order backlog to $250 million, according to the statement.

The company is 51 percent owned by Dubai-based Abraaj Capital Ltd, while Abu Dhabi-listed Waha Capital PJSC (WAHA) holds the remainder.


Posted by on July 10, 2011. Filed under All news, Business, Latest news, World. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.