Busy Conference Year Lies Ahead for IMarEST
With a dozen conferences programmed, 2013 promises to be a busy year for the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST).
Embracing civil and defence topics, marine engineering, marine science, offshore oil and gas and LNG, environmental issues, and the Arctic, the 2013 conferences are designed to reflect current maritime concerns and will present the latest innovations in marine engineering, science or technology.
“We have a really stimulating programme to share with members and the global marine community alike,” says IMarEST Chief Executive, David Loosley. “Some are editions of successful established events that are traditionally held every year, or biennially; a further six are brand new events being held in Houston, Texas; Singapore; Cyprus; Amsterdam and London– we are eager to ensure that IMarEST events reach as wide an audience as possible, for our 15,000 members are based in over a hundred countries around the world.”
The 2013 programme
The outline programme with descriptive details on each event is now on the IMarEST website at www.imarest.org/Portals/0/IMarEST/Events/ForthcomingIMarESTEvents2013Flyer.pdf – event titles, themes, dates and venue are:-
1st IMarEST Offshore Technology Conference
Challenges of Deepwater Engineering
March/April 2013 – Houston, Texas, USA
2nd IMarEST Ballast Water Technology Conference (Sponsored by VideoTel)
Harmonisation, certification and supply
Thursday 25 and Friday 26 April 2013 – London, UK
1st IMarEST LNG Ship Fuel Technology
Can technology cope with commercial expectations?
May 2013 – location to be confirmed
The 1st IMarEST Naval Engineering and Technology Conference
Tuesday 14 – Thursday 16 May 2013 – Singapore
2nd IMarEST Ship Noise and Vibration Conference (Sponsored by VideoTel)
The next big challenge for shipping
June 2013 – London, UK
Engine As A Weapon V International Symposium
Delivering Military Effect: A holistic approach to combat and platform system integration
Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 July 2013 – Bristol, UK
1st IMarEST Emissions Conference
Ensuring that shipping is ready with the right technology
September 2013 – Cyprus
4th IMarEST Condition Based Maintenance Conference
A smart approach to maintenance for owners
September 2013 – location to be confirmed
Marine Electrical and Control Systems Safety Conference (MECSS)
Delivering integrated, dependable, safe and reliable systems
Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 October 2013 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands
3rd IMarEST Prevention of Marine Failures Conference
Avoiding the cost of failure
October 2013 – location to be confirmed
4th IMarEST Ship Propulsion Systems Conference
Efficiency and compliance
November 2013 – location to be confirmed
2nd IMarEST Arctic Shipping and Offshore Technology Forum
Technical challenges of profit with environmental safety
December 2013 – location to be confirmed
Events still to come in 2012
“It is exciting looking forward to such an interesting programme of events, but we must not forget some key dates still to come this year,” says David Loosley. “Indeed, they give a good impression of IMarEST activity, for we have a conference on a key topic – ship propulsion systems, accompanied by our Founders’ Lecture held in association with ClassNK.”
3rd IMarEST Ship Propulsion Systems Conference
Meeting Tier III and the Energy Efficiency Design Index
Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 November – London, UK
2nd Annual IMarEST Founders’ Lecture in association with ClassNK
Can shipping meet the challenge of change?
Speaker: Dr Martin Stopford, President, Clarkson Research
Tuesday 20 November – London, UK
Source: IMarEST