IMarEST: Ship Propulsion Systems Conference
The UK Government’s Technology Strategy Board (TSB) shortly to announce the launch of a competition into vessel efficiency, with up to £8 million of funding available, opening for expressions of interest in January 2013. In view of the theme – Meeting Tier III and the Energy Efficiency Design Index – of the 3rd IMarEST Ship Propulsion Systems Conference (London, 20-21 November 2012), Andrew Tate, Capability Advisor – Maritime Resilience, DSTL Naval Systems has joined the speakers’ panel to explain the call.
“Central funding of marine research and development is limited in the current market, so we are eager to ensure that as many companies and SMEs as possible are aware and prepared to respond to the formal opening of the call in January,” explains Andrew Tate, who will speak on Day One of the conference. “We see the forthcoming Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) conference on ship propulsion systems as a key forum to achieve this. The competition is aimed at accelerating innovation and technologies for the UK marine industry in the subject of vessel efficiency, which is one of the key outputs of a national road map.
“The competition is pitched at UK marine industry as a whole (leisure industry through to major shipbuilder and military suppliers, and including offshore renewables) and will be open for proposals from mid-January until mid-March 2013. The competition is funded by the TSB with financial support from other UK government organisations including DSTL. Organisation is being provided by the Transport Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN).
“Behind the call is the vision that by 2020 the UK marine industries will be renowned for the quality and value for money of their high technology products, systems and services globally, and for their overall and substantial contribution to the UK’s economic, environmental and social well-being,” he adds.
“We are delighted to provide Andrew Tate, a member of IMarEST, with a platform to promote this good news,” says David Loosley, IMarEST’s Chief Executive. “We have been lucky enough to see the outline of the call, and can certainly see the relevance to those attending our conference next month, and to our wider membership. We will be doing all in our power to ‘spread the word’.”
About the 3rd IMarEST Ship Propulsion Systems Conference
The 3rd IMarEST Ship Propulsion Systems Conference (SPS) will get off to a flying start following an introduction by Professor John Carlton FREng, Professor of Marine Engineering, City University London and Immediate Past President of IMarEST, with keynote addresses by Aron Frank Sørensen, Chief Marine Technical Officer, BIMCO and Arsenio Dominguez, Vice Chairman, Marine Environment Protection Committee, IMO, respectively taking as their topics ‘Why are we here?’ and ‘Where we are now – progress to date’.
The scene-setting opening session will continue with Oskar Levander, Vice President Innovation, Engineering and Technology, Rolls-Royce plc talking on ‘Optimising ship efficiency and the impact of the EEDI formula’ and Dr Ing Ioannis Vlaskos, Marine Director Large Engines & Gas Engines, Ricardo Deutschland GmbH looking at ‘What Annex IV, Tier III entails’.
The rest of day one will be devoted to a session on ‘Impact and Solutions’ looking at both low and medium speed engine developments to meet Tier III; ‘LNG: Part of the environmental, regulatory and commercial solution’; a case study on ‘The Bit Viking retrofit’; ‘Fuel optimization on 2-stroke engines – for new projects as well as for engines in service’; and ‘View from the Bridge: Dangers of under-powering’. The day ends with the 2nd Annual IMarEST Founders’ Lecture, ‘Can shipping meet the challenge of change?’, being delivered by Dr Martin Stopford, President, Clarkson Research, in association with ClassNK. The Lecture will be followed by a networking reception.
Looking at technologies and options
On day two of SPS ‘Technologies and Options’ is the broad subject heading under consideration with speakers drawn from across all relevant sections of the industry who will speak on ‘Can technology provide the answer to the danger of low flashpoint distillates?’; ‘The Lube Debate: How many MCLs are needed to meet legal and load requirements?’; ‘Comparison of cost implications of retrofit options’; ‘The way forward for shipping to comply with sulphur limitations’; ‘Fuel efficiency by optimization of the hull – propeller interaction’; a progress report on ‘Contribution to low carbon maritime technology from hybrid ferries using lithium-ion batteries’; and ‘Green ship technologies to meet EEDI’.
SPS 2012 will end with its Moderator, Captain Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General, InterManager and Rapporteur, Dr Alistair Greig, Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UCL who will consider ‘What should the future direction of propulsion technology be in the context of environmental and fuel price concerns’.
“Throughout SPS 2012, presentations will detail how the respective requirements might be met and address concerns for the impact they will have on the future of marine propulsion,” explains Professor Carlton. “The level of technical discussion – always the aim of Institute events – will be enabled through in-depth presentations and by allowing sufficient time for full consideration of the propulsion issues of current concern to owners and the marine industry.”